e-plastory - Journal of Historic Polymeric Materials, Plastics Heritage and History http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory <p><strong>e-plastory</strong> ist die elektronische Zeitschrift für Historische polymere Materialien, Kunststoff-Kulturerbe und -Geschichte.</p><p>Die Plastics Heritage European Society <strong>PHEA</strong> zusammen mit der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kunststoffgeschichte<strong> dgkg</strong> möchten mit dieser Informationsplattform die Bedeutung von historischen polymeren Materialien (Hipoms) Experten und interessierter Öffentlichkeit nahe bringen.</p><p>Hipoms umfassen:</p><ul><li>Die große Gruppe natürlicher polymerer Materialien (Bernstein, Birkenpech, Bitumen, Naturkautschuk, Guttapercha, Naturfasern, Naturharze, -Lacke und -firnisse, pflanzliche und tierische Binder und Klebstoffe, Linoleum, Schellack und Bois Durci etc.).</li><li>Chemisch modifizierte Biopolymere (semisynthetische Kunststoffe) wie Zellulosenitrat, Zelluloseazetat und Kasein-Formaldehyd Massen.</li><li>Historische synthetische polymere Materialien (Kunststoffe) wie Phenolharze, Harnstoffharze und andere frühe Duromere (Duroplasten), Thermoplasten, Elastomere, Fasern, Lacke, Bindemittel, Klebstoffe etc.</li></ul><p><strong>e-plastory</strong> ist ein interdisziplinäres Forum für Veröffentlichungen hohen Niveaus über historische polymere Materialien (Hipoms) in allen Aspekten. Wir wählen hierfür eine frei zugängliche, kostenfreie, elektronische Erscheinungsweise in freier Folge.</p><p>Beiträge in Englisch and Deutsch (Übersichtsartikel, Artikel, Kurzmitteilungen, Berichte) über folgende Schwerpunkte historischer Materialien sind willkommen:</p><ul><li>Hipoms (natürliche polymere Materialien, Vorläufermaterialien, semisynthetische Materials, synthetische Materialien/Kunststoffe, Polymerwissenschaft, Herstellung und Verarbeitung, Anwendung, Firmen)</li><li>Polymeres Kulturerbe (Hipoms in Kunst, Design, technische und alltägliche Verwendungen, Architektur)</li><li>Sammeln und Archivieren von Hipoms</li><li>Konservierung und Restaurierung von Hipoms (Polymeres Kulturerbe, Artefakte, industrielles Kulturerbe, Materialcharakterisierung, Konservierungswissenschaft).</li><li>Konservierung und Restaurierung mit Polymeren (Bindemittel, Klebstoffe, Beschichtungen etc.)</li></ul><p>Der Bestandsschutz von Publikationen in <strong>e-plastory</strong> ist gewährleistet durch die Langzeitarchivierung und Registrierung bei der <strong>Deutschen Nationalbibliothek </strong><br />URL: http:// d-nb.info/1016329180 <br />unter der autorisierten Nr. <strong>ISSN 2190-9598</strong>.</p><p><strong>e-plastory</strong> ist eine grundsätzlich durch <strong>Experten überprüfte Zeitschrift</strong>. Die eingereichten Beiträge werden von Referenten mit Fachkenntnissen in den verschiedenen Gebieten begutachtet.</p><p><strong>Insgesamt erlaubt dies einen hohen Publikationsstandard und die volle, sichere Zitierbarkeit der akzeptierten Artikel.<br /></strong></p> de-DE guenter.lattermann@uni-bayreuth.de (Prof. Dr. Günter Lattermann) js@steiners-buero.de (Jürgen Steiner) So, 14 Jul 2019 13:52:43 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 English http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/63 <p>Many bookbindings in the modern collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic (books published after 1800) are at least partially composed of various types of synthetic materials. In addition, book attachments (such as toys, stickers, etc.) are primarily plastic and require specific storage. The key to maintaining large library collections is knowledge of the material composition and physical condition of library units, which allows for more efficient care of large modern collections from an economic point of view. A thorough analysis of the effects of synthetic polymers, additives, and their degradation products on other materials will make it possible to create a suitable preventive care strategy ensuring the good physical condition of library collections as a whole and to select a suitable and safe cleaning method. Especially in the application of specific surface cleaning technologies, the ability to identify polymeric material is essential. More than 6,000 units were examined during the national project "Synthetic Materials in modern library collections", some of which contain multiple types of plastic or are equipped with attachments. The paper includes information on methods of identification of synthetic polymers, the types of plastics occurring in library collections, and characteristic manifestations of degradation processes.</p> Jitka Neoralova Copyright (c) http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/63 The Use of Plastics in Soviet Household Appliances. Plastics Rarities from the Collection of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/55 In the first half of the 20th century, two main types of plastics were produced in industrial volumes in the USSR – cellulose nitrate and phenolic resins. At first, these materials were used to make household items and some electrotechnical products. The most interesting of them are represented in the collection of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum, one of the oldest science museums in the world, founded in 1872. The first models of home vacuum-cleaners and washing devices with cases made entirely of phenolic resin appeared in the USSR in the late 1940s. While the range of household appliances produced expanded after the middle of the 20th century, production of household electric vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and refrigerators continued. To begin with, these novel devices were produced for only a short time. For the curators and researchers of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum, these rare examples are unique and valuable objects for studying and preservation. Alla Nudel Copyright (c) 2019 e-plastory - Journal of Historic Polymeric Materials, Plastics Heritage and History http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/55 Mo, 16 Sep 2019 00:00:00 +0200 Poliversal-Plasteme: 50 Years of Commercial and Industrial Success in Quality and Innovation http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/54 Established 1966 in Luanda, Angola, by Portuguese businessman Armando Augusto Morais, the company Ultramar Comercial had already asserted its market position as the exclusive product distributor of the Italian petrochemical company Montedison in the Portuguese overseas provinces. Driven by political-historical forces to move, via Brazil, to its Lusitanian homeland, today’s Poliversal-Plasteme plastics company has found its place among the producers and distributors of plastics masterbatches in Portugal in these five decades. Inês Matoso Copyright (c) 2019 e-plastory - Journal of Historic Polymeric Materials, Plastics Heritage and History http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/54 Mo, 16 Sep 2019 00:00:00 +0200 Impact of Plastics in Archives: Conservation Issues and Solutions http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/48 <span lang="EN-GB">There is a need to pay attention to the presence and impact of polymeric materials on the conservation of archive collections. A review demonstrates how since the mid 19<sup>th</sup>century, polymers have evolved to become a significant component of archival records stored in photographic, magnetic, optical and digital formats. Additionally, replacement of traditional materials with polymeric alternatives have altered the storage environment of paper-based records. Unfortunately, polymers pose a challenge to the conservation of archival records due to their lack of longevity, complex chemical formulations, and lack of available treatment and storage conventions. An overview of current preventive conservation strategies for a variety of carrier types establishes the need for sustainable, low-budget solutions. Finally, plans are outlined for conducting industry questionnaires, collection surveys, and experimental studies in the context of PolyMuse, a collaborative plastics research project between Australian cultural institutions. </span> Cancy Chu, Petronella Nel Copyright (c) e-plastory - Journal of Plastics History http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/48 Plastic packaging and ecology between attraction and repulsion http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/47 <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Si l'utilisation du plastique se multiplie dans notre société, c'est parce que le consommateur le veut. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dans ce qui suit, il s'agira d'exposer les comportements et les actions des utilisateurs qui exhalent notre geste avec la "familiarité" à proximité des emballages plastiques. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Nous essayons donc de remettre en question le sens donné par les gestes d’emballage et ses comportements qui confèrent un emballage pour comprendre le concept de transposition d’un produit de consommation et d’utilisation unique à un usage pour lequel cet emballage ne passe pas vite à la poubelle .</span></span></p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Actuellement, les emballages en plastique jouent un rôle important dans notre vie quotidienne. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">D'après nos observations, dans certains ménages et à la suite de leur réutilisation, les conteneurs en plastique ont de nombreuses vies et ne seront pas abandonnés jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient convertis à un autre usage. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Bien que les actions et les pratiques des utilisateurs concernant les emballages après utilisation fassent en sorte qu'ils deviennent des sources de prolifération et de pollution pour certaines sources d'énergie et d'organisation. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Ces actions de conservation et de réutilisation ne sont pas nouvelles pour le consommateur tunisien puisque ce dernier est connu pour son "engouement pour tout garder". </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Certains consommateurs tunisiens conservent les objets en général et les boîtes en plastique en particulier, car ils ne peuvent pas se séparer. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Les raisons annulent ces réactions. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">D'abord, il y a le facteur d'attachement à l'objet, d'autre part, </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">l'appréhension d'en avoir besoin un jour et enfin le sentiment de culpabilité de s'en débarrasser. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Cette façon de penser des objets pourrait être une opportunité d'innovation pour les concepteurs et l'environnement.</span></span><br /><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Nous ne demandons plus ce que les emballages font au consommateur, mais ce que les consommateurs font avec les emballages.</span></span> Hejer Ben Fraj Barbouch Copyright (c) e-plastory - Journal of Plastics History http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory/article/view/47